“ L’ultime combat est celui que l’on mène
contre soi-même, à moins que, in fine,
ce combat n’ait pas de raison d’être.”

– Jean-Christophe Gillard

bookcover design

Client: Jean-Christophe Gillard

Work: Design bookcover & Portrait

There is much talk here about inner struggle: against illness, very early on; against doubt or uncertainty, during sometimes painful professional choices; against the wear and tear of a couple, too; and against the diffuse feeling of a long-unexplained absence. Suddenly, everything becomes clear: after many intuitions, many efforts of self-work, the missing piece of the "puzzle" fits into the picture, and finally completes the quest.

But nothing desperate or tragic about it! Thanks to the music that meanders through the narrative, the highlights, the shared emotions continue throughout the pages, punctuated by excerpts or songs that revive memories. A personal and free text, discreet, which undoubtedly touches by its sincerity.

– Françoise Osteaux



